It’s been a bit of time since I made a video, but they are back, new opening screen, less editing……which means  more Amanda’isms….. I hope you are ready for the new words I invent on a daily basis !!!  What do you mean you don’t know what a fluttery is, or piggle or tree stalk………( Butterfly, peel something off like a label and tree trunk). You are going to learn lots of new words……

I have had a slight move around on this website, in the top banner, if you look up just a little bit you will see “My Videos”, there you will find all the videos I have made so far, the 3 most popular videos at the top and then a full list of all of my videos in categories such as Tips and Techniques and Bags and Boxes.

So todays video is one you have been asking for, for a while, it’s how to assemble your wood and clear mount stamps, do let me know what you think of it in the comments, I love to hear from you !




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