We had a lovely time at Craft and Chat yesterday, looking at the Sand & Sea suite you will find on pages 40-42 of the Jan-June Mini catalogue. There are so many elements and co-ordinating products we needed some time to see them all.
I made a couple of cards, got the gilding flakes out again and shared some hints and tips along the way.

If you are reading this via email please click HERE to watch the video.

Adding the Gilded Leafing is such a fun technique and using your Tombow Multi-purpose glue makes it so easy. Make sure to keep the piece of sponge just for that purpose though, you don’t want to get glue on your ink pads. Using the Blending Brushes to add colour to white or vanilla card is a great way to colour co-ordinate your project.

Here are all the product links for the Sand & Sea Cards. Click on the pictures to go shopping in my online store.
I currently watching the window and the rain……. According to the Met Office we have a chance of dry weather between 6-7 tonight, and since its been raining all day that will be great so we can get out, stretch our legs and Keeva’s. Keep your fingers crossed for us. If you are under a flood warning, I’m sending hugs stay safe!
Tomorrow I’m going to be designing some new projects and finishing my tax return, I need to bribe myself with fun stuff. I know I’m such a last minute girl, but tax is boring, I’d rather craft and chat with you! It will be done by the weekend, Hurrah!
I’ll be back on Friday with a fun fold card for you and a new video so make sure you pop back then!

January 2021
To get a free thank you gift or join the February 2021 Craft-a-Long, you must enter the Inkin’ Host Code above at check out and place a minimum order of £40 or €45.
REALLY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ – I am no longer be able to add the Host code to orders after they have been submitted. In order to qualify for my additional gifts AND for Craft-a-long you MUST use the host code when placing your order. If you need a refresher of how to do that, please click HERE. If you would like me to talk you through it over the phone let me know. You will always find the current host code on my blog and in the emails I send to you. You can email or call me and I will send it to you. But please DON’T forget we will both be sad if you can’t get the extra goodies or Craft-a-long !!!!!