Thank you so much for popping by my blog today !
I thought I ought to say thank you, as I do appreciate you reading my blog. Things have been a little busy at Fowler HQ for a while, in fact my feet haven’t hit the ground since we got back from the cruise at the beginning of the month, so I thought I would give you a quick update and share with you a plan for the next couple of weeks.
So we had an amazing time on our Stampin’ Up! cruise, so many memories, giggles, fun, brilliant food and wine and best of all the people! So over this week I am going to catch you up with all of that, the trips, the Stampin’ Up! gifts, the swaps and some of the giggles too! Then into next week I have some new videos, projects and fun things to share along with some announcements too, so you need to stay tuned for that!
So since we got back, I launched the new catalogue, sent out countless catalogues (let me know if you want one…….) I have run 3 card Clubs, 4 parties, welcomed 5 new team members, ran some telephone training, celebrated Brian’s 51st birthday including disastrous cupcakes (yes there will be a blog post about that……), visited my in-laws in Nottingham, packed up Kimberley from Manchester University…….yes she has finished her first year……..brought her and the ‘stuff’ home and then I have spent the past week helping her get ready for another adventure. She left at the weekend for 9 weeks in the USA working at a summer camp, then having some travelling time, she only had about 10 days notice…..gulp……. Phew it’s been busy, but busy is how I like it, so no complaints here.
Kimberley is settled into camp, Connor has just got his car through it’s MOT (with a bit of help from Brian) and is heading off to Dublin gigging next week. It’s just me and Brian and Keeva the dog…… who as you can see is busy relaxing !!!!
Stay tuned, lots more to share !