I have been crocheting all sorts of projects and today I’m going to share with you my latest completed creation. His name is Tama-chan. He was given his name by a friend’s daughter Nina. It’s the name of the sea otter that swam up the Tama river in Tokyo a few years ago, but it also means ‘little ball shaped one’.
I have learnt a lot about crocheting amigurumi, its hard! I will explain, the crochet stitches are really simple, the counting and going round in circles is also pretty okay. But using 4ply wool with a 2.5mm hook is madness….. its so tiny. His tail is half the size of my little finger nail, and he sits at less that 5″ tall. The next creature I make will be with at least a 6mm hook and aran or chunky weight wool!
That said he is so cute, I forgive him the fiddly bits. Lots of pictures to follow.

I teased with this pictures a few weeks ago, everyone though he looked like a sloth!

Can you tell what he is yet? I learnt so much about sewing up as well, I’m now the proud owner of some bent darning needles they make it so much easier to weave the ends in.

I think this next one gives it away!

Yep he’s a bunny!

Look at that cute tail!

I am sure you are going to want to know where I got the pattern it’s from Ravelry and it’s free, its called ZipZip Bunny and I’ve popped the link below. The great thing about the pattern is that it will work with whatever wool you have. I have to say mine doesn’t exactly look like the original…….. but its similar, if you squint!
The chocolate cake was made and eaten, my bike is much less dusty. serviced, oiled and running, in fact Brian and I are going out on our bikes tonight, a small slow ride to begin with I think! It’s been a while!
I hope you have enjoyed seeing Tama-chan, I’ll be back on Wednesday with some more Paper craft creations.

April 2020
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