We had fun at Craft and Chat on Tuesday. I amused everyone with my lack of ornithological talent..... Apparently 'Not Sparrows' is not a good description of a small bird that isn't brown........ Well you know I have other skills, bird identification just isn't ...
A fun technique for you today, its the magic of water! You add ink over a stamped image and then remove it with a wet paint brush, super easy and VERY cool! I was reminded of the magic painting books I used to have as a child where you added water to make a ...
Wooo Hoooo! its Friday! Have you had a good week? It's been a super, super busy for me this week, 4 Lives, an in person class a new catalogue pre-order, its all GO! Actually tomorrow morning I've got a training session as well, but as a participant! Which is ...
So many things to talk to you about today, so make sure you read down to the bottom! I'll start with some lovely cards.We used the Grassy Grove dies at a recent Craft-along and I've been wanting the share these samples with you for a while. They have been ...
Exciting NEWS the Last Chance list has been released and there are discounts!At the end of a catalogue we receive a list of all the items that are leaving for good, and those that will be returning in future catalogues. I have been working on those lists to ...
A fun fold card today with gorgeous Symbols of Fortune papers. These papers have the most wonderful designs and gold foiling, make sure to check them out. I must say a big thank you to Michele for sending me the original card, it was ...